Who is responsible for the suffering of the hostages in the Gaza underground?

There is something striking in noting that 15 months after the catastrophe of October 7, an entire section of our population in Israel, the so-called « left », a minority but influential, continues to incriminate the democratically elected Government of the People of Israel and especially its leader for all the evils, but completely ignores the crushing responsibility of the enemy for the persistent suffering of our hostages, the stubborn silence on their fate, the refusal to give them the necessary medicines, the distribution drop by drop of a few manipulative images and videos of the prisoners, in violation of all the rules of humanitarian law and the law of war.
There is much more here than a childish irresponsibility, even criminal and collaborationist (in the sense of collusion with the Nazi occupier), since Hamas takes an obvious advantage of these displayed divisions of the Hebrew Nation, by the psychological torture that it imposes on the families of the hostages and on the entire people.
Hamas regularly and deliberately frustrates negotiations, having no concern for the lives of Jewish hostages or of its own terrorists, conditioned since childhood to give their lives to become « Shahids », so-called « saints », in a paradise where they dream of being surrounded by 70 virgins devoted to their personal devotion.

It is as if the Israeli left completely absolves the enemy of any responsibility. Its demonstrations, its slogans, the public statements of its leaders, their media interventions, every day, in an obsessive manner, pillory the Government of their country and ignore, erase, forgive and eliminate the reality of the cruelty of Hamas’s avowed genocidal anti-Semitic hatred.

This mimicry of the West, which since October 7 has revealed its broad, unspeakable complicity with the patent project of Iran, Hezbollah, the Houthis, the Iraqi militias and the Syrian militias to wipe Israel off the map by massacring its citizens, has something pathetic about it and often borders on mental illness.

That the West has drawn from some of its Christian sources, with notable exceptions, a renewed anti-Jewish animosity, and that it has suddenly become forgetful of all the principles of justice, equity, and intellectual honesty in the face of the massacres of October 7, 2023 and Israel’s just response, in its press, its universities and even in the governments and Courts of Justice of the great democratic States and international organizations, can, up to a certain point, be explained for historical, religious and civilizational reasons: The Oedipus complex of a civilization born of a Jewish heresy.

But that a part of the Hebrew nation, which miraculously returned 76 years ago to its historic homeland, should follow in its footsteps in the face of an enraged enemy, lose all composure, all sense of its national duty, is beyond comprehension!

One cannot ignore the precedent of the kidnapping of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit by Hamas, who was recovered after several years of suffering only in exchange for more than 1,000 terrorists convicted in fair trials for acts of massacre of Israeli citizens, Jews and Arabs. The same people have become active killers again after this exchange.

This speaks volumes about the precautions Israel must now exercise before it itself sabotages the hard-won results of a liquidation of most of Hamas’s weapons and terrorists. Let’s stop taking us for idiots!

The Israeli left is so conditioned to imitate the West and ignorant of the authentic moral values ​​of Jewish tradition that it is sinking into the absurdity of a negative regression.

Unfortunately, this tendency of this fraction of Jewish opinion already has ancient roots. Since the episode of the too famous « season » when Jewish fighters were delivered to the vengeance of the British occupier, and often to death, that of the Altalena, deliberate machine-gunning of a ship loaded with food and weapons for the State of Israel still in gestation, then the long absolute domination by the Labor Party of the State apparatus and up to the major crisis of 2023, artificial, in the face of a judicial reform totally justified by the creeping establishment, without legislative sanction, of a non-democratic « government of judges », the left is accustomed to insane excesses.

But this time, it is going beyond all limits. Sitting on its strongholds, the army high command, the prosecution, the Supreme Court, the major media, it imagines against all evidence that it represents the essence of the People of Israel, even as it tramples on the principles of democracy and the Hebrew national interest.

Its manipulation of the hostages’ families’ distress is literally indecent. Its stated desire to absolve Hamas of its crimes in an attempt to divert the legitimate anger of the citizens of Israel against their elected government is an ignominy. There is no doubt that it will have to pay for its misdeeds at the ballot box as soon as the situation is stabilized.


Leon Rozenbaum

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